Cherokee / Great Smokies KOA Holiday Bed Bug Reports

Cherokee / Great Smokies KOA Holiday

2 KOA Campground Road
Cherokee, NC - 28719
(828) 497-9711

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews




We stayed at the Cherokee KOA campground the weekend of October 12-14, Saturday - Monday. It was me, my husband, our son and his friend. Upon arrival at Cherokee KOA, we were assigned cabin #362. Due to a mix up in directions and the fact that the key they gave me opened more than one cabin, we mistakenly stayed all weekend in cabin #363 instead. Sunday night my son’s friend started developing a horrible rash, but it wasn’t until Monday morning when we awoke that I realized the cabin was infested with bed bugs and we all had been bitten. At check out, I explained to the man at the desk about the cabin mix-up, how the key unlocked multiple cabins, and that cabin #363 had bed bugs. I told him not to put anyone else in the cabin until it had been taken care of. All I could think about at that moment was making sure that I didn’t bring these bugs to my home or my friend’s home, I didn’t realize how much of a financial and emotional issue it would turn into. We have had to throw out at least $200 worth of bedding and luggage and have now spent over $300 in multiple doctor visits and medication to treat a severe allergic reaction from the bed bug bites. I haven’t been able to sleep at night constantly worrying that we brought them home with us. I have since tried to contact the Cherokee KOA through email (for a paper trail) to no avail. They will not respond to my emails asking for restitution for the cabin rental and medical bills. After looking at reviews on trip advisor and on the Cherokee KOA facebook page, I am sure that they know they have a bed bug issue in more than one cabin. The fact that we weren’t in the right cabin all weekend when they were almost completely booked, and no one came to the door to say we were in their cabin, tells me that they were planning to keep that one empty for a reason.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:
cabin #363



6/29/19 Only a short stay so bites didn't have full impact until later in the morning, started as minor irritation but didn't register the cause until after checkout. I found several live bed bugs in our linens and sleeping bags. Called front desk to report the finding and staff assured me that management would be in touch. On the second day I sent an email including pictures of the bits which were painful and too many to begin to count. Still no communication. STAY AWAY FROM THIS CAMPGROUND.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:







October 10-11 202 Bed bugs all over bed frame Suffered bites on arms face and legs Management issued full refund
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:
Cabin 286


File a report for:

Cherokee / Great Smokies KOA Holiday

2 KOA Campground Road
Cherokee, NC - 28719
(828) 497-9711

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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