Magnuson Hotel Greenville Bed Bug Reports

Magnuson Hotel Greenville

301 Greenville Blvd SE
Greenville, NC - 27858
(252) 756-2792

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews





Stayed at the hotel in room 109 the nights of 1/21-1/24. Visit was uneventful. Came back to the same hotel and stayed in room 107 the nights of 1/27-1/30. I didn’t notice any itching or bites until the morning of 1/31, the day of check out. Woke up to several bites on my arms and neck. I immediately got my items together and checked out. At the time of check out (4:50am) I let the front desk associate know that I was bitten, and showed her the spots on my neck. I called the hotel later and they acknowledged that they’d been told about the issue and were “investigating it fully” and would give me a call back. After work (1:30pm) I went by the hotel to see if they were actually doing something about the issue. There was a housekeeping cart outside 107. I spoke to the front desk associate who answered the phone when I called and showed her the bites on my neck and forearms. She apologized and offered a discount on my next stay, like I would stay there again. Otherwise unhelpful. Did not offer to help resolve the issue or compensate in any way. After arriving home I discovered approximately 8 bites total on both arms and my neck.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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Magnuson Hotel Greenville

301 Greenville Blvd SE
Greenville, NC - 27858
(252) 756-2792

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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