Days Inn & Suites Bristol Bed Bug Reports

Days Inn & Suites Bristol

1014 Old Airport Road
Bristol, VA - 24201
(276) 669-9353

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews




My mother and I checked in to room 103 on Friday September 21st. Upon entering the room smelled mildewy, but we opened the door an aired it out to try to freshen it up a bit. In the night I recall itching but didn't think much of it until in the morning I woke up and saw a live bedbug on the bed. I didn't realize what it was till I squished it and it popped a gush of bright red blood on the sheet. We contacted the front desk and she appeared very concerned and said she would move us to a new room and would take that nights bill off for us. She said she would contact higher management, get the bug inspectors there that day to inspect the room and call us back. We moved to a new room and I picked up a towel and it had a dead bedbug on it. We realized there was no way we could stay there. We contacted the front desk again and the aforementioned office manager was gone for the weekend and there was no manager on duty. The lady at the desk was helpful but she had not been informed of the situation at all. We contacted Wyndham corporate office and she was sympathetic and took off our payment for the stay from the night before as well as the next night we had planned on being there. To put it mildly it was a horribly stressful experience. It's been a week and both of us are worried sick we might have brought the bug home even though we took care of our clothes, bags etc as recommended to remove/kill the bugs.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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Days Inn & Suites Bristol

1014 Old Airport Road
Bristol, VA - 24201
(276) 669-9353

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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