Treasure Island Hotel & Casino Bed Bug Reports

Recommended tips after hotel check-in:
1. Pick up the mattresses in the rooms and look under it. Check around the edges of the box springs.
2. Check under the box spring.
3. Lift up each headboard an lay it on the bed. Carefully inspect the hole where the headboard was lifted out of. Also, inspect all niches and corners of the headboard.
4. If you decide to stay in the hotel, do not put any clothes in dressers. Keep them in your luggage and your dirty clothes in plastic bags.

View the latest bed bug reports for Treasure Island Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas Strip, NV below.

Treasure Island Hotel & Casino

3300 Las Vegas Bvld S
Las Vegas Strip, NV - 89109
(702) 894-7111

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews


Stayed in room one night, both daughter and I had bites on neck. Found living bug in laundry once I got home.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:



my bed had bed bugs. Was itching during the night and work up with bites on the back of calfs and bottom We were traveling for work and another member of my party had the same issue. When I informed the hotel staff they did not act surprised (or concerned) and did not even apologize.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:



May 26th, stayed over night. Next day bitten all over. Went to hospital and it was confirmed bed bugs.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:



26/7/17 Bed bug found crawling around bed. Management alerted and security. Moved immediately to a new room, laundry done and given a complementary buffet lunch. Reported filed with risk assessment team.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:



Checked into hotel 1/10/2025 Room 2202. Woke up a few hours later around midnight and phone light caught movement in sheets. Turned light on and saw 2 bed bugs. Was able to catch one. Woke kids and husband and immediately fled room. Took the bug I caught to the front desk. Filed a report, was treated as if I was the one in the wrong. We were given another room. Everything was very hushed. They told me risk management would get back to me on what ecolab discovered. They have yet to call me back, refused to offer any compensation on room rate. Gave me a number to call, I have left no less than 10 messages with no return call. It has been a very big chore trying to mitigate bringing any of the bugs home.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:


File a report for:

Treasure Island Hotel & Casino

3300 Las Vegas Bvld S
Las Vegas Strip, NV - 89109
(702) 894-7111

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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