Eastpointe Lakes Bed Bug Reports

Recommended tips after hotel check-in:
1. Pick up the mattresses in the rooms and look under it. Check around the edges of the box springs.
2. Check under the box spring.
3. Lift up each headboard an lay it on the bed. Carefully inspect the hole where the headboard was lifted out of. Also, inspect all niches and corners of the headboard.
4. If you decide to stay in the hotel, do not put any clothes in dressers. Keep them in your luggage and your dirty clothes in plastic bags.

View the latest bed bug reports for Eastpointe Lakes, Blacklick, OH below.

Eastpointe Lakes

Waterside View Drive
Blacklick, OH - 43004

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews


Was so disappointed to move in this apartment in August 2015 and was bit overnight. Found a baby instar outside of tub, then a light brown looking one with a V pointed backend by light switch the next day. I regret not looking in those. I turned up the heat and these things came out luckily. Seen a huge black one that came out as I dozed off to sleep. When they feast so much on blood they will look like an oversized black bug, gross. Confirmed by public health. Showed and told management they denied they had any. Said the dried up ones from DE (Diatomeceous Earth) wasn\'t enough proof. They molted near atop the tub, and near me when I slept in a tub. I wouldn\'t move a thing in that place. They were in the kitchen area. I found out from neighbor I was fourth person in there within over a years period. So something was going on.Then they sent someone over he didn\'t find anything, and said I brought them with me. Very nasty attitude. They know to come out at night when you are sleep. So that is the new rule. They don\'t see them then they aren\'t there. SMH, I opted out since they wanted to play a game. I think many people try to fog or bomb and its the worst you can do, or they treat it but don\'t get all of them. I had the apartment treated and moved on.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:
500 something


File a report for:

Eastpointe Lakes

Waterside View Drive
Blacklick, OH - 43004

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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