Midtown Apartments Bed Bug Reports

Midtown Apartments

728 Manvel Ave
Grafton, ND - 58237

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews






I had just moved into Grafton and needed a temporary place to stay but what I found seemed to be something that could be long term. But I instantly saw the affects of bed bug bites. I dismissed them having never dealt with them before, but after about two weeks, my girlfriend woke up in the middle of the night with one crawling across her face. The next morning we were all over the internet and confronted the landlord saying the only way to deal with the problem was to call an exterminator. But he refused and tried to handle the problem himself. He heated my room to a 150 degrees, destroying a few things while doing it, and sprayed some chemical his friend told him to spray. But in just over a week later, while sitting in the apartment, I found four more live ones, one even on my lampshade that was turned on!! and one more crawling on me. I immediately moved out and demanded my rent money back. The landlord acted like it was all in my head and REFUSED to even look at the bedbugs I had captured in a ziploc bag for evidence. I left several expensive things behind not wanting to take them with me and spread them more, but the landlord tried to convince me to take it all with me!! Finally he gave up knowing I wasn't about to take anything and we parted ways. Everyone says I should have asked for more money to compensate for all I left, and maybe I should have. He seemed like a nice guy, but had no integrity in this case and complete lack of respect for my girlfriend or myself, and complete laziness because I highly doubt he did anything to that apartment when I left.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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Midtown Apartments

728 Manvel Ave
Grafton, ND - 58237

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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