Holiday Inn Express Bed Bug Reports

Holiday Inn Express

3618 New Bern Avenue (64 East)
Raleigh, NC - 27610
(919) 256-2800

Bedbugs Found

Did you find begbugs at this location? File a Bedbug Report Now
�From: The North. Take Interstate 95 South to Interstate 40 West, take Exit 301 for Interstate 440 North. Take exit 13B towards Knightdale on Interstate 440. Best Western Raleigh Inn and Suites is the first hotel on the right at the ramp. �From: The South. Take Interstate 95 North to Interstate 40 West Exit 301 to Interstate 440 North. Take Exit 13B towards Knightdale, Best Western Raleigh Inn and Suites is the first hotel on right. �From: The East. Take Interstate 40 West to Exit 301, Interstate 440 North to Exit 13B towards Knightdale, Best Western Raleigh Inn and Suites is the first hotel on right. �From: The West. Take Interstate 40 East to Exit 289 towards Interstate 440 or Wade Ave. Take Interstate 440 North, take Exit 13B towards Knightdale, Best Western Raleigh Inn and Suites is the first hotel on the right.

Bedbug Reviews




On Oct 22 2020 my wife and I we’re staying at the Embassy Suites near the airport in Raleigh. We checked in and did our bed bug check this joint was crawling with live bed bugs. We Grabbed our things went down and told the front desk, and they were just like ok we’re sorry like it was no big deal.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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File a report for:

Holiday Inn Express

3618 New Bern Avenue (64 East)
Raleigh, NC - 27610
(919) 256-2800

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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(641) 715-3900 ext. 385854
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