JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa Bed Bug Reports

JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa

5350 East Marriott Drive
Phoenix, AZ - 85054

Bedbugs Found

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Resort - Location Type: Resort

Bedbug Reviews



Checked in on 2/27/2017 for 4 nights. Found on bed bug in the early morning on 3/1. I packed up and went to the front desk. The staff apologized and upgraded my room. Luckily I was not bitten. But I was upset because this is a very luxury hotel and you would expect it to be bug free!
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I was in Phoenix for a work event it was my first time going and was so excited the hotel at first seemed to be a dream but I had a rude awakening. I stayed there august 20-22 2017 were I was bitten multiple times by bed bugs. On the 22nd the last day of my stay is when I started realizing how many bites I had getting extremely concerned thinking they were no longer mosquito bites, they were all over my legs back arms everywhere. When I talked to the front desk in tears and showed them my bites the gentlemen was trying to play it down like they weren't a serious situation when he went and got the manager she kept walking away and saying all see what I can do for you not really seeming like she knew at all what to do. She then comes back after a while to where I was sitting in the lobby and tells me there 3rd party team who usually handles these things were closed that day. She said they would wash my clothes and luggage for me but it probably wouldn't be done by the time my shuttle came so they would have to mail me all my belongings. She then told me to proceed downstairs and give them everything to start the process. Then a gentleman came to me and asked me about the incident and took my information. Then another female manager came down stairs to talk to me, she asked me a few questions about my bites I even showed them to her, I had told her I had looked up if the hotel had any bug bite incidents before the last one being march 1 2017 and she tried to deny it and tell me there was no incident when I read the report on it a few minutes prior. She then had the odasity to ask how the rest of my stay was.. during this whole time did not one employee offer to get me a glass of water even though I had been crying my eyes out hyperventilating, not one employee offered me a pair of fresh clothes knowing I had nothing to change into for all my stuff could be infested, or a shower knowing I had already checked out so I couldn't go back to shower not like I would want to in that place anyway. But did not get offered anything at all besides washing my clothes. I'm truly appalled by the like of standards for cleanliness of this so called "5star resort". I will absolutely never go back or recommend or ever do business there again. This has caused me anxiety and trauma that I now live with at my own home in fear I could of brought them back to my home with me...
  • Bedbugs Found
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JW Marriott Phoenix Desert Ridge Resort & Spa

5350 East Marriott Drive
Phoenix, AZ - 85054

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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