Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center Bed Bug Reports

Recommended tips after hotel check-in:
1. Pick up the mattresses in the rooms and look under it. Check around the edges of the box springs.
2. Check under the box spring.
3. Lift up each headboard an lay it on the bed. Carefully inspect the hole where the headboard was lifted out of. Also, inspect all niches and corners of the headboard.
4. If you decide to stay in the hotel, do not put any clothes in dressers. Keep them in your luggage and your dirty clothes in plastic bags.

View the latest bed bug reports for Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center, Marlborough, MA below.

Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center

181 Boston Post Road W
Marlborough, MA - 01752

Bedbugs Found

Did you find begbugs at this location? File a Bedbug Report Now
·From: Boston. Logan International Airport, Boston: Upon leaving the airport grounds stay towards the left side of the road towards Sumner Tunnel to downtown Boston. After going through the tunnel, which charges a toll fee, look for signs for Route 93 South. After getting on Route 93 South, stay in the right hand lane as you enter the underpass. Immediately upon emerging from the underpass, take the exit for Massachusetts Pike-Points West. Stay on Massachusetts Pike, Interstate 90 West to Exit 11A. Take Route 495 North to Exit 24B onto Route 20 West. The Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center entrance is located one mile west on the right hand side. ·From: Worcester. Take the Massachusetts Pike East, Route 90, to Exit 11A. Then take Route 495 North to Exit 24B and onto Route 20 West. The Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center entrance is located one mile west on the right hand side. ·From: Cape Cod. Hartford, Connecticut: Take Route 84 East to the Massachusetts Pike, Route 90 East, to Exit 11A. Then take Route 495 North to Exit 24B and onto Route 20 West. The Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center entrance is located one mile west on the right hand side.

Bedbug Reviews


Upon arriving home from a trip with our son, my husband asked me to check our son who appeared to have s number of welt sized bites. Indeed he did, some swollen more than others. Immediately researched. Images matched those of bed bugs. Physician diagnosis being submitted to hotel. Hotel has yet to respond to any of my calls. We had to completely disinfect everything- including SUV. Husband is missing a day of work due to handling all of this mess. Huge headache. Very disappointed in Best Western. Plan to file additional report with the CDC.
  • Bedbugs Found
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I attended a convention at the Best Western August 12th, 13 and 14th. Within a week, I had bed bugs in my house. It has cost me almost $900 to get rid of the bed bugs because I had to hire an exterminator and also throw away my suitcase, buy a steamer and a vacuum with a bag to further kill them. I will be reluctant to stay here for next years convention.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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File a report for:

Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade Center

181 Boston Post Road W
Marlborough, MA - 01752

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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