Suburban Extended Stay Hotel Camp Lejeune Bed Bug Reports

Suburban Extended Stay Hotel Camp Lejeune

1323 Lejeune Blvd.
Jacksonville, NC - 28540

Bedbugs Found

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City - Lejeune Bvd & 17

Bedbug Reviews




Checked in on 7/16/15. Room smelled a little musty but otherwise seemed clean. I was abruptly at 1:45am awakened by a stinging sensation on my arms as I started to exam my arm I saw a brownish bug trying to crawl under my pillow. I turned on the light and discovered it was a bed bug. I ran to the bathroom only to discover I had several bites on my face as well. I showered and then notified the front desk. The night clerk came to my room. I asked if she had a bed bug problem and she said "not on this floor". She said would call the manager immediately. The hotel was completely booked so they could not put me in another room. As if I would stay. The hotel booked my husband and I at another hotel close by. I am quite irritated and disgusted. My face was so swollen it look like I had been hit with something. I hope you investigate this. Luckily I am aware of anaphylaxis symptoms, I took some benadryl to control the swelling but it did nothing for the burning and itching. It has now been 3 days since I was bitten. The swelling on my face is almost gone and the ones on my arm are down to the size of a regular pimple looking bump. Having a little trouble sleeping hopefully this too will subside
  • Bedbugs Found
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Suburban Extended Stay Hotel Camp Lejeune

1323 Lejeune Blvd.
Jacksonville, NC - 28540

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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