Econo Lodge Thomasville Bed Bug Reports

Econo Lodge Thomasville

15130 US HWY 19 South
Thomasville, GA - 31757
(229) 584-0909

Bedbugs Found

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City - Hwy 19 & 319

Bedbug Reviews


Well we have both been waking up every morning with bites that are red and itchy on our legs arms necks face found blood on pillow.
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Friday, May 22, 2020 I was down for a work trip and had turned the lights off to watch a movie on my laptop in bed. About 25 mins in to the movie I kept seeing something out of the corner of my eye but thought it was just because it was dark and my computer screen was so bright causing floaters in my eyes. I began feeling itchy and at 8:49pm I grabbed my cell phone and turned the flash light on and saw BUGS on my arm and shoulder. I jumped up, and turned the lights on and they were everywhere. All on my pillows, the bed, etc. when the lights came on they started running under the pillows. I took pics and called a coworker and that was when my suspicions were confirmed, bed 8:51 pm I learned I was in an infested hotel room. I went to the front desk where the lady told me she didn’t know what to do because this had never happened while she was working and offered me another room. I went back to room 308 to pack my things, only to realize there were some IN MY SUITCASE and on my jacket. So, I had to go back up to the front desk and get bags from her and due to it being now, 9:30ish and Walmart was closed because of the pandemic, I couldn’t buy any sort of poison or contractor bags...which meant, I had to leave my suit case in 308. I had no choice but to double bag all of my belongings and put them in the trunk of my vehicle and leave. There were no laundry mats open, no stores open to buy new clothes..and I had to be at work a few hours later. So I had to call out of work and drive 2.5 hours back home...and did not make it home from this nightmare until 12 am. 0/5 stars, would not recommend. **i would like to point out I checked under the sheets and pillows upon arrival but I only looked for bugs, I have now learned all of the signs since this experience. So I can say at least I learned something, it just cost a lot.”
  • Bedbugs Found
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File a report for:

Econo Lodge Thomasville

15130 US HWY 19 South
Thomasville, GA - 31757
(229) 584-0909

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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