Hampton Inn And Suites Alpharetta Bed Bug Reports

Hampton Inn And Suites Alpharetta

16785 Old Morris Road
Alpharetta, GA - 30004
(678) 393-0990

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews







I stayed here from 10/24/2019 to 10/25/2019 in room 406. Nothing seemed out of ordinary. I would say the room was more outdated compared to other Hampton Inns. I went to bed ok. In the morning I noticed first to second stage bed bug larva on the area where I had just slept. I caught the bugs in a cup and showed management. They reimbursed me for my stay and offered another room to get ready in. They said they would call the exterminator that day and close the room until the infestation had been treated. Over the next 1-2 days, I developed itchy welts over the various areas where I was bitten including: neck, torso, arms, hands. I have since had to place all my belongings plastic bags and sanitize them.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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1/23/2025 No bed bug covers on mattress, woke up with bites, then noticed this bug on the sheet. Told management and they did nothing for me, no reimbursement.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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2025-02-05 I spent 4 nights at this hotel. Since i travel for work i always skip front desk and sure the electronic key so i can sleep as fast as. Possible. Room didnt seem out of the ordinary not the best one I've stayed at but not the worst. On the last morning i woke up and looked at the sheet before going to get coffee and to my surprise there was a red bug crawling around on the sheet that would have been wrapped around my face and neck just moments before. Immediately i knew it was a fully fed female bed bug. I checked the mattress as i should have when i arrived and copper stains were on the corners with no plastic mattress cover. In a panic i showered scrubbed my suitcase that was left at the door and left all of my belongings that came out of my suitcase and ran! My work trip was not over for a few more days. I stopped at wal mart to get the essentials. The hotel called and asked how i could get my stuff back and after informing them why i left my belongings the front desk member said okay and hung up on me. I have filed a report with the hotel upon returning home and i still have yet to get a response from anyone. Please do not stay here Photos are posted on Google of the bed bug and the bites that followed
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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Hampton Inn And Suites Alpharetta

16785 Old Morris Road
Alpharetta, GA - 30004
(678) 393-0990

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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