Holiday Inn Burbank - Media Center Bed Bug Reports

Recommended tips after hotel check-in:
1. Pick up the mattresses in the rooms and look under it. Check around the edges of the box springs.
2. Check under the box spring.
3. Lift up each headboard an lay it on the bed. Carefully inspect the hole where the headboard was lifted out of. Also, inspect all niches and corners of the headboard.
4. If you decide to stay in the hotel, do not put any clothes in dressers. Keep them in your luggage and your dirty clothes in plastic bags.

View the latest bed bug reports for Holiday Inn Burbank - Media Center, Burbank, CA below.

Holiday Inn Burbank - Media Center

150 E. Angeleno Avenue
Burbank, CA - 91502
(818) 841-4770

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews


On 3/10/25 me and my family went to this hotel to go to universal studios the next morning, and I woke up with a strange bug next to my face. After waking my family and letting them know, they found 3 other bugs and confirmed they were bed bugs. They only changed our hotel room, and opened up the other room for guests. They did not give us a bio-hazard bag to put our clothes in, so our clothes were covered in them. We did not find bed bugs in the new room but this was stressful and traumatizing for us.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:



12/8/19 We stayed for one night since my husband had his Christmas party at the Castaway. Room seemed clean however I did find a pair of tights in the chair. I threw them out and figured someone might have dropped them while packing. Then early morning 12/9 my husband went to use the restroom and I turned the light on to find something crawling on the pillow. I freaked out and started moving the sheets to find two more bed bugs. We called hotel management and Sylvia came up and confirmed seeing the bugs and took cell phone pictures. They offered another room but I just wanted to get out of there. We then spoke with Mark who said because we had booked through a third party he could not give us a refund and we needed to contact them. He said the room had been inspected prior and it had passed. But I’m sure that must be your basic checklist.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
Room Number:


File a report for:

Holiday Inn Burbank - Media Center

150 E. Angeleno Avenue
Burbank, CA - 91502
(818) 841-4770

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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