Holiday Inn Bridgeport-trumbull-fairfield Bed Bug Reports

Holiday Inn Bridgeport-trumbull-fairfield

1070 Main Street
Bridgeport, CT - 06604

Bedbugs Found

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Bedbug Reviews


Found bed bugs on the second bed closest to the window. Live adult
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21 bed bug bites on myself and 6 on my friend who stayed over one night. The first night we did not notice any issues, but the second night is when it started. I though it was a mosquito but after the second night I became suspicious and they moved me to 821. I was supposed to stay 30 nights for business travel but I will be staying at another hotel (Hyatt). The hotel was clean and I couldn't see anything in the bed, but they will have an inspection. Common sense says that it wasn't my imagination with 20 bites. To be specific, I had 4 bites in the middle of my back, 2 on lower back, 4 on right arm, 2 on left arm, 1 on finger, 1 on right butt cheek, 1 on right leg, 1 on right ear, 3 on face and 1 on shoulder blade. That came from 3 nights. My friend (only stayed 2 nights) experienced 2 bites on fingers and 4 bites on one of her arms. I'm just saying just do the math. Now I have never experienced bed bugs in my life but my friend had so she knew the signs. I do not know if they are bed bugs or not. Won't know until they do the inspection today. I'm moving out Friday to another hotel after inspection is done to make sure I didn't carry over anything. I wouldn't wish this on any body, and I'm sure this is not the hotel's fault but at the same time this isn't the first incident per Google so in a way to me it is the hotel's fault. If you attract residents with a history of hotel bed bugs then you should have the room inspected after every check out no matter the cost. This is unacceptable. I heard so many good things about this hotel and chose to drive the extra 10 minutes to work to stay here but now I am turned off. No hard feelings, but lesson learned. Never trust a hotel in the hood.
  • Bedbugs Found
  • Requested Refund
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File a report for:

Holiday Inn Bridgeport-trumbull-fairfield

1070 Main Street
Bridgeport, CT - 06604

How to get rid of Bedbugs at home

If you find bedbugs in your home you should remove as much clutter and as many items as possible from your house. Replace all bedding and examine the box spring for bedbugs.

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