Bed Bug Hotel and Apartment Reports.
We have listed all of the bed bug reports and hotels we have found in Johnson City, Tennessee below.
This bed bug infestation has been going on for 10+ years dating back to when Mark Dishman owner them. They have infested every apartment in the building, several people have been here since the beginn...
I was there on business on Thursday 03/21/2019 I went to the front desk and told them it was a bug in my bed and ask them to spray my room for bugs. So i came in late that evening the room was neat s...
10/20/17 we stayed there checked in at 8pm and went out for dinner and drinks came back at 1am. didn’t lay down for 2 minuets and saw a bed bug by my head. Killed it kept it on my finger and took it...
We arrived to the room to find it very dark with all the lights on. Mattresses looked good. Trash under beds and behind towels on rack. It was not swept. On the third morning when we opened the curtai...
1 bug on the bed when I laid down and I wasn't sure what it was. Went to restroom and came back to a bed full of bugs. All over my grandchildren and all over my husband and me. Moved the mattress and ...
Looked at apartment to lease. Seen all the signs of bugs and a few shed skins. Seen two in corner of ceiling also. ...
Landlord was notified and immediately suggested people were just trying to get out of rent. He refuses to call an exterminator and says his store bought chemicals will work. He sprayed that spray a we...
On 06/27/2023 at around 2 am I checked in to the Baymont inn and suites in Johnson City TN on North Roan Street. Cost me 251 and some change for a room and 100 dollars deposit. He have us room 305. We...
VA recommends this low budget hotel because they give a veteran discount.
after having to switch rooms due to cigarette smoke (hotel is non smoking), we stayed in another room down from the first. ...
Got a room for a week. $250 bucks.
Pulled down the sheets and there were large cockroach sized bugs all in the sheets. Indian non English speaking clerk said roaches. Cleaned the whole disg...
June, 2022 I showed Mr P the box springs and an actual bedbug in this room and one downstairs around back. 126 He made no offer of returning my money and knew it's all I had to pay for housing those w...
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in Johnson City, TN
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